Doe your phone gets hang? Here are 5 tips
If your phone is getting hang than you might be doing some mistakes. Pay attention to this things, your phone won’t get hang after that.

Tips no 1:
Keep the files and folders which is less used in cloud store. This will keep the internal memory empty. Cloud store is like a virtual drive and you can save your data on it. Use the application like Google drive, one drive and drop box and make the phone memory less.
Tips no 2:
The main reason of phone hang is its internal memory. When the internal memory and RAM is less than the phone gets hang. You can go to expandal memory option and you can save your picture videos there. Those application which has no use remove it. This reduces this problems.
Tips no 3:
There is the factory data reset option in every smartphone. Applying this reduces the problems of phone hang but before doing it don’t forget to do data backup.
Tips no 4:
Delete all the things that is of no use in your phone. Click the storage on the phone and there is the option of cache data, go there and clear all the that. Do it timely.
Tips no 5:
Save all the songs, videos, photos and other data on external memory. Keep your external memory as default and your every data’s are saved there. Keeping the space on the internal memory reduces the problem of phone hang.
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