Nepali national football team striker Bimal Gharti Magar has returned home from Belgium on Friday.
According to All Nepal Football Association (ANFA), Bimal landed in Kathmandu at around 9 this morning. After landing at the Tribbuvan International Airport (TIA), he headed straight for Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) where the postmortem of her sister's body is to be carried out.
Bimal also met his family members including his mother at TUTH and tried to console his mother who looked devastated by her daughter's death.
Bimal was in Belgium for more than past two weeks for the treatment of his left leg ligament and returned home following the mysterious death of his younger sister Manisha Ghartimagar.
Bimal 's 17-year-old sister Manisha was found dead "under mysterious circumstances" at her home in Bardaghat, Nawalparasi district on Thursday morning. A seventeen year-old girl has been murdered here in Bhanunagar of Bardaghat Municipality-8 of the district on Wednesday night. The deceased has been identified as Manisha Gharti Magar, sister of Bimal Ghartimagar, member of Nepali national football team. Manisha was staying alone in the house on Wednesday when the incident took place. According to Sambhu Lal Shrestha, deceased’s neighborhood member, police have reached the incident site and began an investigation over the incident. Manisha and her mother were living in the house. However, her mother had gone to Butwal on Wednesday. Manisha had just completed grade 11 examinations recently.
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